Digital BSS at Nexign UX / UI Design for Digital BSS at Nexign
Nexign is a developer of OSS / BSS (operations support system and business support system) for telecom operators. Its billing system for mobile operators was created in the early 1990s and is considered the first in Russia.
There I took part in designing Digital BSS — end-to-end solution for telecom companies. Worked on CSR (Customer Service Representative) Portal.
BSS for a telecom company includes management of:
Clients and Customer Relationships;
Projects and Tasks;
HR management;
Financial management and accounting.
CSR Portal
I was working on a CSR Portal (Customer Service Representative) which is like customer management system for CSRs or operators. At Nexign we defined two types of CSRs. One is the first line CSR and they are call center operators or consultants at the store.
For example, for call center operators KPI is time. So, when they got calls from clients they need to solve their issues very fast.
Their main tool is a Client's profile. There, you can find his personal data, a list of connected services, a history of customer interactions with the company. I actually worked on that last part. As a first line CSR you need to know what the client's problem is even before he will explain it to you. To do that you are scanning his profile and look out for anything that's odd, or you absorb the info in interactions and see that a client, for example, just added some service to his phone and you can guess that's why he is calling right now and so on.

Client's profile
Task Management
The other part of Portal's users are second line CSRs. They are operators who handles clients cases: money refunds, replacement of equipment, etc.
For them we were building, basically, a task management system. And this system suggests scaling and customisation. So in fact, I was designing a pattern that would be used to solve any problems in the company. It would be a tool not only for CSRs, but also for HRs, accountants and other employees.

Task Management
And for everything we designed we created a prototype to see how it will work.
